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Tomassini, Giovanni Battista (1966 – ....)

« Giovanni Battista Tomassini works as a journalist in the field of politics for RAI, the Italian public television. Since the beginning of his career, he put research in the field of literature and history along side his work as a journalist. In addition to articles and essays in several journals, he published some books : Il racconto nel racconto (Rome, 1991), I treni delle meraviglie (Verona, 2001 and Rome, 2002) and edited the translation and the Italian edition of the Voyage dans les steppes d’Astrakhan et du Causase by Jan Potocki (Milan 1996 and 1998). He is also author of the blog dedicated to the equestrian culture and in particular to the tradition of the Italian Renaissance treatises. » Présentation de l’éditeur (2014)