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Hodges, Meredith (1950 – ....)

« Meredith Hodges is a well-known trainer and writer on donkey and mule behavior. Born in Minneapolis, Minnesota and raised in California, Meredith has been associated with mules and donkeys for 25 years and has been associated with horses all her life. In 1979 she started the Lucky Three Mule Ranch in Loveland, Colorado and has since studied Animal Sciences at Colorado State University. She is an animal inspector, representative and judge for the American Donkey and Mule Society, and has written a successful column called Mule Crossing, which has appeared in over ten publications internationally during the past 15 years. To date, she has also produced three books : Training Mules and Donkeys: A Logical Approach to Longears ; Training Without Resistance From Foal to Advanced Levels ; and Donkey Training as well as a ten-tape video series that accompanies the books. » Présentation de l’éditeur (1999)

« Meredith Hodges est la fille de Charles Schulz, le créateur et dessinateur de Snoopy. Éleveuse de mules et d’ânes qu’elle sort en complet ou en dressage, enseignante. En plus de ses publications à destination des propriétaires de mules et ânes, elle a également écrit en 2003 un livre pour enfant, Jasper the mule . » Bibliothèque Mondiale du Cheval