viaf :
Humphreys, R.
(.... – 18..)
The memoirs of J. Decastro, comedian : in the course of them will be given anecdotes of various eminently distinguished characters, with whom he has been intimale in his pereginations. Amongst others are Dr. Johnson, Garrick, Foote, Wilson, Charles Bannister, J. Palmer, C. Dibdin, Sen., the late Earl of Barrymore, R.B. Sheridan, Esq, G.F. Cooke, J.P. Kemble, Esq. &c., never before in print : accompanied by an analysis of the life of the late Philip Astley, founder of the Royal Amphitheatre, Westminster-Bridge, with many of his managerial peculiarities. Also an accompanying History of the Royal circus, now the Surrey Theatre; and an historical Sketch of Sadler’s Wells. Likewise scarce theatrical advertisements, from Garrick’s first attempt in Goodman’s-Fields, his last moments, Old Grimaldi’s dream, &c. To which will be added The origin of poetry; A chapter on Bent’s, &c. &c. &c.
London, Published by Sherwood, Jones, & Co., Paternoster-Row, and may be had of all the booksellers in the United Kingdom, MDCCCXXIV [1824].