idref :

Lepage, Olivier (19.. – ....)

« Olivier Lepage is President of the European College of Veterinary Surgeons (ECVS) and he runs the Equine Health Centre at the National Veterinary School of Lyon (VetAgro Sup, University of Lyon, France) where he is Professor of Equine Surgery. He currently leads efforts to develop Global Health programs mainly in Africa where he is Associate Professor at the Ecole Inter-états des Sciences et Médecine Vétérinaires (EISMV) of Dakar in Senegal. His main research area is on guttural pouch mycosis and on the use of regenerative medicine in various orthopedic and traumatology diseases affecting equids. Most of these works are performed with a One Health approach involving MDs and biologists. Olivier holds a DVM from University of Liège (Belgium) and following internship and residency training in equine medicine and surgery at the University of Montreal (Canada), he becomes board-certified by the ECVS. After a Master degree and a research Thesis on the understanding of equine bone metabolism he received his Privat-Docent from the University of Bern (Switzerland). (D’après sa page Linkedin) » Bibliothèque Mondiale du Cheval