viaf :
Lawson, Stephen
(17.. – ....)
« Marchand de foin à Londres. » Sudoc
An essay on the use of mixed and compressed cattle fodder, for feeding and fattening horses, oxen, cows, sheep, hogs or pigs, particularly adapted for young stock, and for horses or cattle on ship-board, in camps, or in garrisons. Containing general directions for preparing the fodder, and tables to ascertain the expence and weight, and the quantity necessary for the several kinds of horses or other cattle. To which are added tables for calculating the quantity of hay, corn, and fodder, necessary to be provided for any number of horses or other cattle, from one day to any length of time. With some general directions and hints for increasing the quantity of cattle herbage and preserving the same throughout the kingdom. And directions for pressing and packing of hay when intended for foreign service : with an improved method of binding hay, when intended for distant carriage, and particularly for the better supply of the London markets. Also an abstract of the act of Parliament for regulating the purchase and sale of hay and straw, in London, Westminster, the Borough of Southwark, and thirty miles round, as regulated last session of Parliament. By S. Lawson, ...
London, printed for the author and sold by Mr. Richardson, bookseller, Royal-Exchange and Mr. Debrett, bookseller, Piccadilly, 1797.