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Lieb, Christophorus (.... – 16..)

: Lieb, Christoph Jacob

« Christoph Jacob Lieb was riding master and stable-master at the Saxonian court at Dresden (‘churfürstlich sächsischer Bereiter und Stallmeister in Dresden’) at the beginning of the 17 th century for the prince-electors Christian II of Saxony and his brother Johann Georg I. Lieb’s first book, his Practica et arte di Cavalleria, or ‘Reit-Buch ’ (1616), is dedicated to Kurfürst Johann Georg von Sachsen (1585-1656). The book can be considered as a composition of German methods for horse training, but the Italian influence is obvious. At the same time also the ideas of Georg Engelhard Löhneysen and Hans Friedrich Hoerwart von Hohenburg are represented in the text. An example is the typical German high position of the horse’s head, advocated by Lieb, including the technical devices needed. To achieve this Lieb advises to rub the horse’s tongue with honey salt or rye meal. The plate of the rider on p. 58 of book 2 shows this position; it is possibly the author’s self-portrait. He author’s second work, apart from the first edition, published together with the Practica et arte di cavalleria , is a work on bits with full-page engraved plates of 22 bits, his Gebissbuch . Lieb’s Practica et arte di cavalleria was first published in 1616 (see no. XXC (166/1). And re-published in 1665 and 1671 in Leipzig, and in 1668 – anonymously - in Frankfurt. The text was translated into Dutch by Simon de Vries in 1671; The Gebissbuch was first published separately in 1616, and republished together with the Practica in 1665, and 1668.  » Dejager (2014)