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Nelson, Hilda (19.. – ....)

« Hilda Nelson spent her childhood and formative years in Alexandria, Egypt, where she attended French and English schools. She attended the University of Wisconsin, Madison, where she received her Ph. D. in French and Comparative Literatures in 1968. She taught French and Comparative Literatures and French Civilization at San Diego State University. She is the author of a book on Charles Nodier and articles on romanticism, dada, and surrealism. She is now Emeritus Professor and spends her time visiting libraries in Paris, London, Oxford and Saumur. She has written an article for French Review entitled Antoine de Pluvinel, Classical Horseman and humanist and translated Pluvinel’s Le Maneige Royal . She is also the author of François Baucher, The Man and his Times and Alexis-François L’hotte, The Quest for Lightness in Equitation published by J.A. Allen of London. She spent part of two sabbaticals at St Antony’s College, Oxford, working at the Bodleian Library. » Présentation de l’éditeur (2001)