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Great Britain. War Office
(n. c. – 1963)
: Grande-Bretagne. War office
Instructions and Regulations for the movements and formations of the Cavalry, comprising the additional instruction for 1799.
London, printed for the War-Office, by T. Egerton, at the Military Library, near Whitehall, [1799].
The Adjutant General’s Instructions and Regulations for the Formations and Movements of the Cavalry.
London, Printed for the War-Office, by T. Egerton, at the Military Library, near Whitehall, 1801.
A Manual for Volunteer Corps of Cavalry.
London, Printed for the War-Office, 1803.
An Elucidation of several parts of His Majesty’s Regulations for the Formations and Movements of Cavalry.
London, printed for the War-Office, 1808.
Primera parte de la táctica de la caballería Inglesa, traducida al castellano Por el Mariscal de Campo de los Reales Egércitos, Y Comandante General de la primera Division de Caballería del del., Centro D. Santiago Whitingham [sic] y el Comandante de Esquadron del Regimiento I° de Húsares de Extremadura D. Francisco Ramonet.
Algeciras, J. B. Contilló y Conti, [1811?].
Regulations and Instructions for the Cavalry Sword Exercise ... 10
June, 1819. [With plates.].
London, William Clowes, [1819?].
Instructions for the Carbine and Pistol Exercises for the Cavalry ... 24
December, 1819. (Words of Command and Instructions for the Performance of the Lance Exercise. 1
May, 1817.).
London, William Clowes, [1820?].
Regulations and Instructions for the Cavalry Sword Exercise, with a large Target and another plate. [Horse Guards].
London, [Stationery Office?], [1824].
The Book of Aids, or Catechism in the system of equitation, practised at the Cavalry Riding Establishment. For the use of non-commissioned officers and assistants in riding schools, etc.
London, William Clowes, 1831.
Regulations for the instruction, formations, and movements of the cavalry. [Horse Guards].
London, Published by authority by Parker, Furnivall and Parker, 1851.
The Book of Aids, or catechism in the system of equitation, practised at the Cavalry Riding Establishment. For the use of non-commissioned officers and assistants in Riding Schools. By authority of the Adjutant-General to the Forces.
London, [Stationery Office ?], 1852.
Regulations for the instruction, formations, and movements of the cavalry. Rev. and corr. Horse Guards, 5
November 1862.
London, H.M.S.O. [Stationery Office], 1862.
Regulations for the Instruction, Formations, and Movements of the Cavalry. Revised and corrected Horse Guards 1
January 1865.
London, Stationery Office, [1865].
Instructions for Cavalry Outpost Duties. Horse Guards, 31
October, 1870.
London, Stationery Office, [1870].
The Manual and Firing Exercises for the Westley-Richards Cavalry Carbine. May 1870.
London, Stationery Office, [1870].
Instructions for Cavalry Outposts, provisionally approved for Autumn Manœuvres.
London, [Stationery Office ?], 1872.
Movements of Cavalry. (Provisionally approved for Cavalry at Aldershot, 1874.).
London, Stationery Office, 1874.
Instructions in the duties of cavalry reconnoitring an enemy, marches, outposts, and reconnaissance of a country, for the use of auxiliary cavalry. Horse Guards.
London, H.M.S.O., [1875].
Regulations for the instruction, formations, and movements of the cavalry.
London, [Stationery Office], 1876.
Instructions for Cavalry Advanced and Rear Guards. Horse Guards.
London, Stationery Office, 1876.
Regulations for the instruction and movements of cavalry. Horse Guards.
London, Stationery Office, 1876.
Manual for Regimental Transport Cavalry. With illustrations.
London, Stationery Office, 1878.
Manual and Firing Exercise for the Martini-Henry Carbine. Horse Guards. 7
May, 1878.
London, Stationery Office, [1878].
Regulations for the veterinary department of Her Majesty’s army. Horse Guards.
London, Printed under the superintendence of H.M.S.O., 1882.
Regulations for the Yeomanry Cavalry. War Office, 1885.
London, Printed under the superintendence of H.M.S.O. and sold by W. Clowes & Sons (Ltd.), 1885.
Plates illustratings Brigade and Divisional Movements of Cavalry. Appendix to the Regulations for the instruction and Movements of cavalry of 1885.
London, Stationery Office, 1886.
Handbook for Military Artificers, containing Instructions for collar makers, etc. Horse Guards. by Sergeant-Major T. Armstrong.
London, Stationery Office, 1875.