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Massari Malatesta, Alessandro (1568 – 16..)

« Alessandro Massari Malateste, was born in Tivoli (Rome). Almost nothing is known about his life except for the fact – mentioned in the dedication to Aloigi Carafa, prince of Stigliano and duke of Sabbioneta in the first edition of the Compendio dell’Heroica arte di cavalleria (Venice 1599; with a new title-page: Venice. 1600) – that he was the pupil of Carafa’s famous equerry and horseman Silvio de Florio. A second edition of this work (without the dedication to Aloigi Carafa) was published in Danzig in 1610. His most important work is the lavishly illustrated work on bits and bridles, first published in Latin in Venice, without mentioning the printer or publisher, in 1607. A translation into Italian, with the same plates, was published in Rome in 1613. » Dejager (2014)