viaf :

Śālihotra (07..? – n. c.)

: Shâlihotra

: Sālhōtar

: शालिहॊत्र

« Sālihotra is the traditional inventor of the veterinary art. He is stated […] to have been instructed by his father, Aspastī […], in the knowledge and management of horses, while in the next following work he appears as a Brahman, the master of Susruta. The same name, however, is defined by Abul-Fazl, in the Ā’in i Akbarī, vol. II. p. 144, as applying to the art itself, and it has come to be used as a common designation of the works in which it is set forth. » Charles Rieu (1879-1883)

« Auteur de manuels d’hippiatrie intitulés : Śālihotronnaya (Élève du cheval ou Élevage par Śālihotra); Aśvāyurvedasiddhānta (Système complet de médecine des chevaux). Auteur de manuels d’hippologie intitulés : Aśvapraśaṃsā (Éloge des chevaux); Aśvalakṣaṇaśāstra (Traité des marques des chevaux). » Bibliothèque nationale de France