Bibliothèque mondiale du cheval


L’ouvrage est entièrement numérisé et disponible sur le site :

A Description of a New Horse Shoe — 1827 / CLARK Bracy, 1827
A Description of a New Horse Shoe which expands to the Foot. Invented by Bracy Clark, F.L.S., Member of the Acad. of Sciences of Paris, of the Nat. Hist. Society of Berlin and of Copenhagen, Honorary Member of the Lyceum of Nat. Hist. New York, and of Royal Agricultural Society of Stutgard. Second edition / CLARK Bracy
: London, Printed for the Author, and sold by T. & G. Underwood, 1827
: 1 vol.
: 12-[4] p.
: in-4º (28 cm)
: III planches

: Elevage / Maréchalerie

« La première édition date de 1820. » Bibliothèque Mondiale du Cheval