The testaments of General L’Hotte
The name of this Cavalry General (1825-1904) is one of the most famous in French horsemanship. For Mennessier “he knew how to obtain the most difficult figures of the high school of training without the eyes of the spectator discovering the work of his assistants. But without overdoing it. His cold and reserved character did not help him much in his work as an instructor. He did not spread the treasures of his wonderful talent and had few pupils, unlike his master Baucher who was a true apostle. His lessons are still legendary, they were in the riding school behind closed doors and no one could risk a glimpse. This reserved character is largely justified during his career. After General L’Hotte became a pupil of Baucher, of whom he was a convinced disciple and fervent admirer, the latter’s method was officially proscribed by the Minister of War.”
His books were published posthumously at his request and are digitized in such a way that the complete texts are available. In “ Un Officier de Cavalerie ” (A Cavalry Officer) he shares the memories of the horseman and devotes a large part to the analysis of the methods of D’Aure and Baucher. “Questions Équestres”, subtitled with the famous saying “Calm, forward, straight ahead”, is his technical testament.
More information:
- Alexis L’Hotte’s books
- Its collection kept at the National Riding School