
  • For the well-being of the horse - Latin equitation from the Renaissance to the future

    World Horse Library Symposium – September 19 To follow the conference live: Venue: Hall of Honour of the Coni - Rome Starts: 19/09/2022 - 09:00 Ends: 19/09/2022 - 17:00 Italy takes the initiative After Paris, at Hermès in 2019, …

    15 September 2022

  • The certainty of an original treaty written by an unknown horseman

    On 2 December, the MRSH in Caen will be hosting the second colloquium of La Bibliothèque Mondiale du Cheval, a project it has been developing for nearly four years. The first, on the works of Xenophon presented by Alexandre Blaineau, …

    17 November 2021

  • Conference on 2 December 2021 - MRSH, Caen

    The morning was devoted entirely to the discovery of a French equerry of the Renaissance, Louis de Chardon, Sieur de Lugny, author in 1597 of a manuscript treatise on horsemanship and hippiatrics “unearthed” by Frédéric Magnin, researcher at the CNRS, …

    12 February 2021

  • The reception of the book Art équestre, by Xenophon

    How did Xenophon’s book “Art équestre ” come down to us? What was its influence on the writers who have dealt with this subject, and particularly on the Renaissance squires, most of them being Italian? This is probably the most …

    06 December 2019

  • Colloquium on Xenophon, December 2019

    COLLOQUIUM JENOFONTE, Paris December 4 (9.30) «Xenophon’s Treatise on Equestrian Art: Otherness or Modernity? » The World Horse Library (University-MRSH of Caen) will present on December 4 in Paris, a colloquium on the work of Xenophon, studied and commented on …

    25 November 2019