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The Country Gentleman’s Architect — 1807 / LUGAR Robert, 1807 | |||||||||
The country gentleman’s architect : containing a variety of designs for farm houses
and farm yards of different magnitudes, arranged on the most approved principles for
arable, grazing, feeding, and dairy farms; with plans and sections shewing at large
the construction of cottages, barns, stables, feeding-houses, dairies, brew-houses,
maltings, &c. With plans for stables and dog-kennels ; to which are added, designs
for labourers’ cottages and small villas, the whole adapted to the use of country
gentlemen about to build or to alter. By R. Lugar, Architect, Author of Architectural
Sketches for rural dwellings, &c. Engraved on twenty-two plates, with general observations
and full explanations to each.
LUGAR Robert
Anglais |
« Agriculture is unquestionably the most ancient and most useful of those arts which
have engaged the attention of man. The most eminent and enlightened statesmen, in
every nation, have studiously promoted, its improvement; and the extensive effects
of patronage and example in our own country, have lately rendered incalculable benefits
to the community. The comfort, not to say the existence, of civilized man, depends
on suitable returns of produce for the labours and toil of the husbandman; and sound
policy regards the improver who facilitates the means of attaining these objects,
as the most useful member of society.
The importance of well arranged buildings to the general purposes of a farm, is obvious :
the protection of the useful animals, and the economy of their maintenance, are objects
of great concern to the practical farmer; yet have not, I believe, been duly attended
to in any publication by a regular architect. In my professional occupation I have
had frequent occasions to observe the numerous defects and inconveniences in rural
buildings, left unremedied, for want of some proper guide by which the head and hand
of a rustic builder might be directed. To supply these deficiencies, as far as I am
able, I have selected from different sketches and studies, various examples of rural
buildings suitable to the different intentions of Gentlemen who from philanthropy
may wish to build cottages for their labourers, or farm-houses and farm-yards for
their tenants. I have also added a selection of houses possessing superior internal
accommodations, and suited in their external appearance to the rank and style of a
Gentleman farmer, accompanied by such out-buildings as distinguish the residence of
a principal land-holder, living in a way suitable to an extensive domain. […] » Présentation
de l’éditeur (1807)
: Angleterre , architecture , cottage , écuries , ferme , grange