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Training and breaking of horses — 1912 / HARPER Merritt W., 1912 | |||||||||
Training and breaking of horses — by Merritt W. Harper, Professor of Animal Husbandry
in the New York State College of Agriculture at Cornell University.
HARPER Merritt W.
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« The horse occupies a unique position because he is used as man’s principal beast of burden and is constantly associated with him in the performance of his daily work. This labor and association establishes a close relationship. The effectiveness with which the work is performed, and perhaps success, depend on their mutual understanding. In performing this work it becomes necessary to trust the horse. This trust is often great, and the safety of the master will depend largely on the understanding he has with his horse. Since the effectiveness of the horse and the safety of the master and his family depend so largely upon the understanding between man and horse, it seems worth while to give the methods of establishing agreable relationships careful consideration. It has been with a view of aiding to promote this that the present volume is written. This is done with the thought that the usefulness of the horse depends on his being readily subservient to his master’s will, and an attempt is made to set forth the methods that are most likely to bring this about.[…] » Présentation de l’éditeur (1912)
: atteler , cheval de trait , comportement , débourrage , entraînement , États-Unis , habituation , harnais , intelligence , peur , poulain , punition , récompense , relation cavalier-cheval , sécurité , sens du cheval , utilisation agricole , voix