Bibliothèque mondiale du cheval


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The Compleat Sportsman / JACOB Giles, 1718
The compleat sportsman; in three parts. 1. Containing the nature and various kinds of game, with the best methods of taking the same. 2. Of the best situations and methods of erecting and management of parks, &c.; of hunting the buck, doe, &c. 3. Of fish and fishing; the most successful methods of angling; the only proper baits, tackle, and seasons for taking all sorts of fish, etc. / JACOB Giles
: [London] , Printed by Eliz. Nutt, and R. Golling (assigns of Edward Sayer Esq;) for J. Tonson and W. Taylor, 1718
: signé à la préface
: 1 vol.
: 152 p.
: in-8° (17 cm)