An Authentic history of the celebrated horse, American Eclipse / [VAN RANST Cornelius
W.?], 1823
An authentic history of the celebrated horse American Eclipse — containing an account
of his pedigree and performances, with some general information on the subject of
the turf, and the means adopted at various times to improve the breed of horses —
embellished with a correct likeness of this famous horse, engraved on wood, in the
best style by Dr. A. Anderson.
[VAN RANST Cornelius W.?]
ANDERSON Alexander
1 vol.
[3]-6-[2]-8-37 p.
in-8° (22 cm)
une planche
: Equitation / Courses - turf
« "To the publisher" (p. [1], 3rd count) signed: "C.W. Van Ranst. Sometimes falsely
attributed to Van Ranst. Cf. Podeschi.
Southern district of New York, ss: be it remembered, that on the 26th day of July,
in the 48th year of the independence of the United States of America, Ephraim Conrad
of the said district, has deposited in this office the title of a book, the right
whereof he claims as proprietor, in the words and figures following, to wit: An authentic
history of the celebrated horse American Eclipse ..."--P. 6, 2nd count. Reproduction
of original from The American Antiquarian Society. » The New York Public Library