Bibliothèque mondiale du cheval


L’ouvrage est entièrement numérisé et disponible sur le site :

A practical field guide to horse behavior / MCDONNELL Sue M., 2003
A practical field guide to horse behavior : the equid ethogram by renowned horse behaviorist Sue Mac Donnell, Ph.D. / MCDONNELL Sue M.
: Lexington , The Blood Horse, 2003
: avec une bibliographie p. 358-367 et un index
: 1 vol.
: 375 p.
: 24 cm
: Ouvrage illustré de nombreux schémas et photos
EAN 9781581500905

: Elevage / Comportement, éthologie

« The Equid Ethogram provides catalog of all known horse behaviors and is an invaluable reference for researchers, veterinarians, students, and horse enthusiasts. This landmark work organizes horse behavior in six categories : maintenance behavior, general social communication, intermale interaction, reproductive behavior, play, and domestically shaped and aberrant behavior. The specific behaviors in each category are identified, described, and illustrated with original line drawings in a user-friendly format. T he Equid Ethogram also contains photographs of hundreds of behaviors.
In addition to horses, The Equid Ethogram recognizes behaviors in zebra, donkeys, and Przewalski horses. Sue McDonnell, Ph.D., a world-renowned equine behaviorist, started compiling the nucleus of The Equid Ethogram fifteen years ago. […] » Présentation de l’éditeur (2003)