Bibliothèque mondiale du cheval


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Training and Horse Management in India — 1878 / HAYES Matthew Horace, 1878
A guide to training and horse management in India : with a Hindustanee stable and veterinary vocabulary and the Calcutta Turf Club tables for weight for age and class. By Horace Hayes, Capt., Bengal Staff Corps, author of "Veterinary notes for Horse-Owners’’. New edition, re-arranged and much enlarged. / HAYES Matthew Horace
: London , Calcutta , Thacker, Spink, and Co., 1878
: 1 vol.
: XII-[1]-298 p.
: illustrations

: Art / Voyages et cultures du monde

« In the previous edition of this work, which was intended chiefly for the use of racing men, the subject of Horse Management was made subservient to that of Training, while the principles of the former were enunciated with but little attempt to reason out their correctness. The favourable notice which the work received from the Public, convinced the Author of the advisability of treating, in detail, these two subjects under separate headings, and of giving, in popular language, a concise resume of the theoretical points affecting the Horse, so that the reader might draw his own deductions, without having to accept the mere ipse dixit of the Author as sufficient authority for his teaching. By this, the practical utility of the work is in no way prejudiced, for these chapters are complete and distinct in themselves, so that the reader may skip them or not as he chooses, while the inferences to be drawn from them are separately summed up.
The chapters on Bitting and Riding have been carefully re-written and illustrated. The additions to the Hindustanee Vocabulary have been compiled chiefly from the Hidayut Namah of Farrier Major Bunnay Khan and The Bengal Pharmacopoeia, with a few words from a Glossary by Hem Chunder Kerr, and from a Manual of the more Deadly Forms of Cattle Disease in India by H. B. H. I beg to thank the Stewards of the Calcutta Turf Club for their kindness in allowing me permission to print their tables for " Weight for Age and Class." » Présentation de l’éditeur (1878)

« Calcutta, 1875; 1878; 4 th edition, 1885. » Huth (1887)