Bibliothèque mondiale du cheval

Homeopathy / DAY Christopher, 2000
Threshold Picture Guide n° 44 — Homeopathy by Christopher Day; illustrations by Carole Vincer. / DAY Christopher et VINCER Carole
: Addington , Kenilworth Press, 2000
: 1 vol.
: 24 p.
: 18,4 x 23,5 cm
: illustrations couleurs, 1 portrait
EAN 9781872119243

: Elevage / Soins du cheval - Bien-être - hippologie

« This illustrated guide shows how to choose and use tried and tested homeopathic remedies for horses and ponies. It provides treatment guidelines for a wide range of common ailments and first aid applications. Chapters include descriptions of remedies and their properties, using the remedies and when to call the vet. » Présentation de l’éditeur (2000)

: DAY Christopher

: VINCER Carole

Titre de collection : Threshold picture guides n°44