Bibliothèque mondiale du cheval


L’ouvrage est entièrement numérisé et disponible sur le site de la :

Directions for Treatment of Diseases of Horses / A gentleman, 1850
Directions for Treatment of Diseases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, and Dogs. By a gentleman of many years experience and a master of Hounds. / A gentleman
: London, Shrewsbury, Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. J.H. Leake, 1850
: avec un index
: 1 vol.
: 116 p.
: in-12 (19 cm)

: Elevage / Soins du cheval - Bien-être - hippologie

« The first edition of this treatise on the Diseases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, and Dogs , was put in print by the Author, for circulation amongst his private friends only; and fifty copies struck off, (the type being then destroyed at his desire;) but there having been many applications for the work, and thinking it might be some guide to Sportsmen and Agriculturists, in relieving the diseases of different animals, the author has now given the copy-right to the publisher, thinking, by this means, it might have a larger circulation. October 16 th , 1850. » Présentation de l’éditeur (1850)