Bibliothèque mondiale du cheval


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Horse-powered farming for the 21 st century / LESLIE Stephen, 2015
Horse-powered farming for the 21 st century — a complete guide to equipment, methods, and management for organic growers — Stephen Leslie, foreword David Kline. With contributions from more than 60 contemporary draft-animal-powered farmers and equipment manufacturers. / LESLIE Stephen et KLINE David
: White River Junction, Vermont , Chelsea Green Publishing, 2015
: avec un index et une bibliographie
: 1 vol.
: X-401 p.
: 26 cm
: illustrations
EAN 9781603586139

: Droit / Utilisation agricole et territoriale

« It’s an exciting time for advances in the use of live animal power on the farm. Ecologically minded farmers are developing efficient horse-drawn systems while equipment manufacturers are creating innovations in ground-drive technology. Beyond organic and sustainable, these new developments are helping agriculture become truly regenerative - with working horses, donkeys, mules, and oxens at its heart.
Stephen Leslie’s first book, The New Horse-Powered Farm , showed readers how to run a small, diversified farm with live animal power. In Horse-Powered Farming for the 21 st Century , Leslie takes this approach to the next level by providing an in-depth focus on the tools, methods, and technical expertise you need to successfully manage a market garden with draft animal power.
The lessons of this book are enhanced by insightful reports from the field, including farm profiles, detailed descriptions of new tools, and home-built solutions contributed by more than 60 draft animal experts from across North America and Europe. The text is copiously illustrated with full-color photographs and original art by the author.
Each temster’s story represents a patch in a quilt that tells the whole story of the growing season, from soil preparation to harvest. Topics covered include :
- contemporary examples of draft-animal-powered produce farms
- the versatile utility of forecarts
- fertility management on the farm
- primary and secondary tillage, seeding and transplanting, and cultivating methods
- and more.
For exeperienced teamsters and beginning horse-powered farmers alike, Horse-Powered Farming for the 21 st Century is an invaluable and one-of-a-kind guide, sure to be a staple resource in the agricultural canon for years to come. » Présentation de l’éditeur (2015)