Bibliothèque mondiale du cheval


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A Manual of the theory and practice of equine medicine / GRESSWELL James Brodie, 1885
A Manual of the theory and practice of equine medicine — by James Brodie Gresswell, member of the royal college of veterinary surgeons. Veterinary inspector for the Lindsey division and for the borough of Louth, Lincolnshire. Author of ’a report on arsenical poisoning of the domesticated animals and on the treatment of some of their zymotic diseases,’ and of articles on tetanus and comparative sphygmography, and Albert Gresswell, member of the Royal College of surgeons of England, late open scholar in physical science of Christ Church, Oxford, graduate in honours in the final school of physiology and comparative anatomy, Oxford, etc., etc. / GRESSWELL James Brodie et GRESSWELL Albert
: London , New York , Baillière, Tindall, and Cox et William R. Jenkins, 1885
: avec un index en fin d’ouvrage
: 1 vol.
: 399 p.

: Elevage / Manuel vétérinaire

« Equine Medicine : A Manual of its Theory and Practice, for the use of Veterinary Surgeons, Students, and Owners of Horses. By J. Brodie Gresswell and Albert Gresswell. » Huth (1887)