Bibliothèque mondiale du cheval


L’ouvrage est entièrement numérisé et disponible sur le site :

Modern horsemanship — 1889 / ANDERSON Edward Lowell, 1889
Modern horsemanship — Three schools of riding — An Original Method of Teaching the Art by means of Pictures from the Life By Edward L. Anderson — Illustrated by 40 moment-Photographs — A new edition re-written and re-arranged / ANDERSON Edward Lowell et NICOL Alexander
: New York, Edinburgh, G. P. Putnam’s son David Douglas, 1889
: The instantaneous photographs in the volume were made by Mr. Alexander Nicol, Edinburgh, and printed from his negatives by the Autotype Company, London
: 1 vol.
: XVIII-164 p.
: in-8°
: photographies et illustrations dans le texte

: Equitation / Initiation - travail du cavalier

« I have re-written and re-arranged Modern Horsemanship for several reasons. In the first place, I wished to introduce new matter; then I desired to be more clear and explicit upon certain points than was the case in former editions ; and, finally, by dividing the work into three parts I could better indicate how far the method should be followed for certain objects. As the work now stands. Part I. contains all that it is necessary for one to know for ordinary riding. Part II. contains a method for the thorough training of saddle-horses ; and Part III. is devoted to the purely ornamental movements of the manege. I have formed this method after thirty years’ study and practice of Horsemanship in various countries. I have taken all that seemed best from the systems in use in Continental Europe, and I have added much that is original ; but there is nothing in this work that is inconsistent with accepted methods. » Présentation de l’éditeur (1889)

« 5e édition augmentée, même éditeur,1895. » Bibliothèque Mondiale du Cheval

: ANDERSON Edward Lowell

: NICOL Alexander

Notes : dédicacé à « Thomas Gibson Bowles by his friend, The author »

4 rd edition