Bibliothèque mondiale du cheval


L’ouvrage est entièrement numérisé et disponible sur plusieurs sites :

The Horse and How to Ride him / BUTLER John, 1861
The Horse and how to ride him : a treatise on the art of riding and leaping. Containing also explanations as to the ages and qualities of horses, colt-breaking, &c. &c. With practical lessons on the management and control of saddle horses : intended for young equestrians of both sexes. By John Butler, writer on the art of riding. / BUTLER John
: London , Baily Brothers, Cornhill et Houlston & Wright, 1861
: 1 vol.
: [4]-93-[1] p.
: 17 cm

: Equitation / Initiation - travail du cavalier

« A small practical treatise has long been wanted on the management of saddle horses, with rudimentary instructions in the art of riding and leaping. The Author, from his experiences in the hunting field, and the delight he takes in saddle horses, now offers to the public, in as concise a form as possible, the results of many years’ attentive consideration of the subject; with a view to imparting sound practical instruction in easy and graceful riding, to inexperienced equestrians of both sexes; with directions for the control and management of the horse under all circumstances. » Présentation de l’éditeur (1861)

« 1861 ; 1865. » Huth (1887)

Baily Brothers, Cornhill et Houlston & Wright