Bibliothèque mondiale du cheval


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Hints on Horsemanship, to a Nephew and Niece — 1839 / GREENWOOD George, 1839
Hints on Horsemanship to a Newphew and Niece, or, Common sense and common errors in common riding. By an Officer of the Household Brigade of Cavalry / GREENWOOD George
: London , Edward Moxon, Dover Street, 1839
: 1 vol.
: 105 p.
: in-8°

: Equitation / Initiation - travail du cavalier

« When you wish to turn to the right, pull the right rein stronger than the left : this is common sense. The common error is precisely the reverse : the common error is, when you wish to turn to the right, to pass the hand to the right. By this, the right rein is slackened, and the left rein is tightened, across the horse’s neck; and the horse is required to turn to the right, when the left rein is pulled. It is to correct this common error, this monstrous and perpetual source of bad riding, and bad usage to good animals, that these pages are written.
England is the only European country which admits of more than one style of riding. But in all Europe, even in England, there is but one style of riding taught, as a system : that style is the manege, or military style. » Présentation de l’éditeur (1839)

« London, 1839; 1861. » Huth (1887)