Bibliothèque mondiale du cheval


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The amateur horse breeder — 1970 / LEIGHTON HARDMAN Ann Catharine, 1978
The amateur horse breeder — Ann Catharine Leighton Hardman / LEIGHTON HARDMAN Ann Catharine
: London , Pelham, 1978
: a été republié en 1972, 1974, 1985, même éditeur
: 1 vol.
: 155 p.
: 23 cm
: 12 planches
EAN 9780720703702

: Elevage / Élevage

« One of the main reasons why more people do not breed their own foals is simply lack of knowledge. This is a subject outside the realm of everyday horse management but one in which anyone with know-how can become really interested, for the pride in owning a bought animal is nothing compared with that felt by the breeder.
A foal of your own —one you have bred yourself from your own mare, by a stallion of your own choice, halter broken and handled by no one but you — this is the dream and ambition of many horse owners.
Ann C. Leighton Hardman’s illustrated handbook will enable the novice horse breeder to realize this dream and ambition. A readable and straightforward treatise and possible future standard work on the art of breeding horses, The Amateur Horse Breeder contains much information that will prove of value to the expert as well. It takes the would-be horse or pony breeder right through the problems of finding a suitable stallion; the time to get your mare in foal; care of the broodmare before, during, and after foaling; handling of foals and youngstock […] » Présentation de l’éditeur (1975)