Bibliothèque mondiale du cheval


L’ouvrage est entièrement numérisé et disponible sur plusieurs sites :

Recreations in Natural History, or popular Sketches of British Quadrupeds / Anonyme, 1815
Recreations in natural history; or, Popular sketches of British Quadrupeds : describing their nature, habits, and dispositions, and interspersed with original anecdotes, embellished with numerous engravings and wood cuts, from portraits of living animals, painted by the first masters. / Anonyme et CLENNELL Luke
: London , printed for the proprietors et and published by William Clarke, 1815
: 1 vol.
: XVI-367-[1] p.
: in-12°
: [23] planches hors texte et nombreuses gravures dans le texte.

: Elevage / Chevaux de sang, chevaux de trait et poneys

« As the present work is intended to furnish a store of amusive readings rather than a historical and minute detail, we have not fettered our arrangement with the shackles of system, but have assorted our subjects in such a manner as is best suited to the nature of ’’Recreations,’’ or most capable of popular and pleasing illustration. In the Introduction, however, the different genera of British Quadrupeds are referred to the particular Orders, in the Linnsean classification, to which they respectively belong.
The various instinctive powers of quadrupeds have been the object of peculiar attention; and many original and well-authenticated anecdotes of this faculty have been occasionally introduced.
The EMBELLISHMENTS of this work will be found to possess very superior attractions : to the lover of rural sports, the spirited fidelity of the portraits (engraved from paintings of living animals by the first masters), will be their best recommendation 3 and the execution of the plates will, we trust, be a sufficient passport to the notice and the praise of every amateur of fine engraving . Of the numerous wood cuts with which our work is adorned, we need only say, that ithey are, without an exception, from the masterly hand of Mr. Clennell.
To the ingenuous youth, desirous of acquiring useful knowledge on the most important subjects; to PARENTS, solicitous to teach the juvenile mind to "look through Nature up to Nature’s God", this work is most respectfully offered; and to the NATURALIST it will be scarcely less acceptable, as an important manual of interesting facts illustrative of British Zoology. » Présentation de l’éditeur (1815)

« in-8°, London, 1819. » Huth (1887)

« L’âne occupe les pp.59-64, la mule pp.132-136 et le cheval pp. 137-192. » Bibliothèque Mondiale du Cheval