Bibliothèque mondiale du cheval


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Biographical Sketches and Authentic Anecdotes of Horses and the allied species / BROWN Thomas, MDCCCXXX. [1830]
Biographical sketches and authentic anecdotes of horses, and the allied species. Illustrated by portraits, on steel, of celebrated and remarkable horses. By Captain Thomas Brown, F.L.S. M.R.P.S. M.K.S. &c. &c. author of "Biographical sketches, and authentic anecdotes of dogs," &c. &c. / BROWN Thomas et FORBES Alexander
: Edinburgh , London , Daniel Lizars; Whittaker, Treacher & Arnot and W. Curry, jun. & Co, MDCCCXXX. [1830]
: 1 vol.
: [2]-[7]-580 p.
: IX planches

: Elevage / Chevaux de sang, chevaux de trait et poneys

« The favourable reception which my Biographical Sketches and Authentic Anecdotes of Dogs met with from the public, and nearly the whole periodical press of the United Kingdom, encouraged me to undertake the present work, deeming it an appropriate companion — as the Horse and Dog are animals from which mankind derive the greatest benefit and pleasure.
Although many excellent treatises have appeared on the horse, yet they have been deficient in anecdote, from which the true character of the animal can be gathered. In the following pages an attempt is made to remedy that defect.
I have endeavoured to collect the opinions and accounts of the older classics and historians, for the early history of the horse, and have traced his progress pretty fully through the middle ages, down to the present time.
An account is given of upwards of forty of the most celebrated Arabian and Turkish horses, and Barbs, which have been introduced at various times into Great Britain ; as well as the pedigrees and principal performances of our most famed racers, of the last and the present century ; with upwards of two hundred and twenty anecdotes, and equestrian feats. At the end I have introduced a figure of the horse, with the technical names of his various external parts, and the skeleton, to illustrate the names of the bones ; and I have given a plate of teeth to exhibit the progressive changes they undergo, from the birth of the animal till he reaches his sixteenth year.
The illustrations are engraved on steel, by Mr W. H. Lizars, some of them from original portraits of the most remarkable horses, and the others from paintings done expressly for the work, by Mr Alexander Forbes, of Edinburgh, an animal painter of much merit.
The few technical terms which were indispensable in my descriptions of the horse, will be easily understood, by a reference to Plate VIII. ; and I have taken care to introduce no expressions throughout the work which can offend the most delicate ear. » Présentation de l’éditeur (1830)

« En allemand, Biographische Skizzen und authentische Anecdoten von Pferden und den übrigen Thieren derselben Gattung , Weimar, 1831, in-8°. » Bibliothèque Mondiale du Cheval

Daniel Lizars (son)

Whittaker, Treacher & Arnot

W. Curry, jun. & Co

Dédicace à : « John Burnet, Esq. Author of « Practical hints on painting, &c. » »