Bibliothèque mondiale du cheval

Piaffe - Passsage and Work in hand / CERNAC Mitja Demitrij, 2014
Piaffe - Passsage and Work in hand / CERNAC Mitja Demitrij et VON NEINDORFF Egon
: S. L. , Cernac, 2014
: réédition traduite et augmentée de la version allemande (2002)
: 1 vol.
: 95 p.
: 24,5 cm
: avec photos et schémas

: Equitation / Dressage - travail du cheval

« The new FEI rules regarding Piaffe and Passage lay greater weight on these movements as well as transitions between the two, so it is of utmost importance to perform them well. This is a book that is drawn on over forty years of experience and is solely dedicated to explaining the difficult Grand Prix dressage movements of Piaffe, Passage and Work in Hand. On almost one hundred pages this book explains comprehensively the several possible approaches to Piaffe and Passage.This book guides you on what is correct, how to begin so the horse will be capable of understanding and thus performs correctly. It shows the causes of common faults and training deficiencies, how to avoid or once done, how to correct them. The main object is the correct approach through the understanding of bio-mechanics as well as physics (dynamical weight distribution). It is explained how the systematic work from beginning on Hand through Piaffe to all different transitions in Piaffe and Passage leads to success. This book was published in 2002 in Germany and because of the feedback from my fellow trainers, international and national dressage riders, I decided to publish this book in English and therefore make it available to a larger dressage audience. I added more text as well as more pictures and graphics for a better understanding. » Présentation de l’éditeur (2014)

« Ce livre retraçant plus de 40 années d’expérience de l’auteur est consacré à l’explication des mouvements difficiles de dressage réalisés en Grand Prix (piaffer, passage, travail sur la main) ; il aborde la biomécanique ainsi que le poids dynamique. » IFCE

: CERNAC Mitja Demitrij


Piaffe und Passage, Die Schritte zu Hohen Schule